Parenting Qi Archetype through Inner Work-The Wisdom of Your Child's Face" by Jean Haner is a powerful guide to understanding your child's face's energetic and spiritual aspects.
In this post, I will summarize chapters 18 and 19, pages 289-300, of "The Wisdom of Your Child's Face" by Jean Haner—Emphasis: Parenting Qi Archetype through Inner Work.
In this post, I will summarize chapters 18 and 19, pages 289-300, of "The Wisdom of Your Child's Face" by Jean Haner, where the author provides insights into how parents can better understand and support their child's unique personality. These chapters discuss the influence of the family as a whole and each parent's energy on their children.
Humans are like tuning forks and can synchronize with the frequencies of the people and places around them through entrainment, which can adjust their frequency to match that of other tuning forks or sounds in their surroundings.
Entrainment is a phenomenon where humans can synchronize with the frequencies of people and places around them. This is similar to when a tuning fork vibrating at a certain frequency causes another tuning fork of the same frequency to vibrate as well. It has been observed that entrainment can even occur in things like women's menstrual cycles living together. Research has shown that individuals match their chewing pace with the background music played in restaurants. What's even more surprising is that even in the absence of music, people still tend to synchronize their chewing speed with those around them.
Inner Work and Personal Patterns:
Understanding how our energy affects those we interact with emotionally and physiologically is crucial. Your behavior and mannerisms can play a significant role in how your children view you, interact with you, and, ultimately, how they feel about themselves.
Negative thoughts and emotions can create body tension, affecting physical and emotional health. However, understanding the Five Elements and the archetypes that we carry empowers us to react differently. Rather than resisting or suppressing emotions, we can allow ourselves to feel and let them go. By observing our emotions like balloons floating by, we can expand our conscious moment of choice and choose to have different thoughts and feelings, ultimately changing the neural connections in our brains. Our thoughts and emotions tend to shape our identity and future, but it's essential not to take them too seriously, as they can create limiting beliefs. By consciously choosing to have different thoughts and emotions, we can weaken old neural connections and create new ones that lead to healthier patterns. As the saying goes in neurology, "Neurons that fire together, wire together."
Our children's natural state is to feel loved and accepted for who they are. By following the guidance of the Five Elements, parents can navigate challenging times and fulfill their sacred role as mothers and fathers. You can determine which element works best for you and your child by identifying your energetic pattern and reading the map of your face and palm.
As a parent, it's normal to feel lost and scared but don't let that fear consume you. Our society is obsessed with fixing problems quickly, but only by surrendering to the unknown can we find true peace. You are never alone; you have the collective wisdom and strength of your ancestors, who stand behind you, offering their love and support.
The desire for change propels us toward our goals, but as a parent, we must let go of our expectations for our children's lives. Help them define their vision, but trust that they have an inner plan that may exceed our imagination. As they grow, be flexible and guide them with love, but ultimately let them chart their course.
To be fearless and open-hearted is a rare and beautiful thing, as most of us are caught up in judgment and resistance. As a parent, we can break our hearts open and love our children unconditionally. When we feel anxious, calling our spirit back and connecting with our children's pure essence is essential, allowing ourselves to be filled with joy and love each day.
To create a harmonious and compassionate community, we must embrace the divine feminine energy within us. This means being receptive and open to accepting help from others when needed while maintaining healthy boundaries. As parents, it's essential to lean on the support of our loved ones and provide a stable foundation for our children. Remember that being of service is not the same as being a servant, and extend the same nurturing care to ourselves that we offer to our children.
As a parent, it's important to stay present in each moment with our children while also being aware of the bigger picture of our lives. We must cherish each breath we share with them and accept that time together is fleeting. Remember that our choices and actions today will impact future generations, so staying connected to our authentic selves and the divine is essential. By doing so, we can clear the way for our children to do the same and create a positive legacy for our lineage.
It is important to be mindful of your own personal patterns and how they may affect those around you, especially your children. Therefore, as conscious parents, it is important to do our inner work and become aware of our energy. Understanding and accepting ourselves can transmit positive energy to our children and influence how they construct their reality and manage stress.
Chinese face reading can help open a new path toward compassion. When it comes to extending kindness towards ourselves, we tend to struggle due to patterns of self-blame. However, this is where we need to start if we want to teach our children to love themselves. By showing compassion towards ourselves, we can also model this behavior for our children. So why not try looking in the mirror and saying, “I love you”? It may not be easy, but we can move towards a new place of compassion for ourselves and others with practice. Trust in the healing process, and know you deserve love and peace. - A.Mournian
Absolutely beautiful post and divinely timed. Loved the "Neurons that fire together, wire together". I want to meme it lol. The encouragement to be compassionate to ourselves in order to model that for our children really clicked in and I see where I need to work on some things. Thank you for this post! 🥰💙🔥🧚♂️
Looking at the creation of our reality, neuroplasticity definitly plays a huge role. I think this post is paramount to all of US, not just parents or brothers or...we all interact with children and it's important to understand their idiosyncrasies. Thank you for sharing this vital information